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Become a YNS subscriber and never pay a tattoo bill again.
Imagine never having to worry about hefty tattoo bills again.
For just $5 a week—the price of a coffee—you can become a YNS subscriber and unlock a world of exclusive benefits.
Our loyalty program lets you earn points every week, notifying you when you can book your next tattoo. Enjoy one free tattoo each year valued at $200, plus priority booking to skip the wait.
Save big with discounted rates and no flash tattoos over $50.
We even provide aftercare to ensure your tattoo heals perfectly.
As a subscriber, you'll also have a chance to win an annual trip to Bali with Flight Centre. Don't miss out on these incredible perks subscribe and join YNS today!
Program information
Loyalty Program: Earn points every week with your subscription and get notified when it's time to book your next tattoo.
Annual Free Tattoo: Enjoy one free tattoo each year, valued at $200.
Priority Booking: Get ahead of the queue with priority booking for all your sessions.
Exclusive Discounts: Save big with discounted tattoo rates and no flash tattoos over $50 EVER!
Aftercare Included: Ensure your tattoo heals perfectly with our aftercare service.
Special Offers: Stand a chance to win an annual trip to Bali with Flight Centre valued $1000.
No Lock-ins: Cancel anytime, no lock in contracts
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